Issue date: 05 Jun, 2018

25 anys establiment de relacions amb Espanya


25 anys establiment de relacions amb Espanya


Anniversaries. 25 years since bilateral relations were established with Spain

This year’s commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Andorra's Constitution also marks the beginning of the establishment of bilateral relations with Spain.

Additional Provision 1 of the Constitution refers to the signing of a trilateral treaty between Andorra, Spain and France regulating relations between Andorra and its two neighbouring countries, on the basis of respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Andorra.

The treaty was signed in June 1993 and is called the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between Andorra, Spain and France.

Throughout its articles, the Treaty recognises the Principality of Andorra as a sovereign State and establishes the commitment by the other two countries to respect the independence and integrity of its territory. It also establishes diplomatic relations, as well as other aspects concerning adherence to international conventions and organisations, consular representation, and others.

At present, relations between the two countries are excellent, and their governments have the necessary collaboration mechanisms in place to prevent or, where appropriate, solve problems that may arise between even good neighbours.

Their good relations are attested by the numerous treaties and agreements signed and the frequent visits by Ministers and other authorities, including the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, visiting the Principality on 7 and 8 January 2015 – the first ever visit of a Spanish Prime Minister to Andorra.