Issue date: 25 May, 2018

Fulles d arbre. Noguer


Fulles d arbre. Noguer


Tree leaves. Walnut

Juglans Regia (meaning ‘fruit of Jupiter’ in Latin) is the scientific name for the walnut tree, the tree species whose leaf is used in this year’s Tree leavesseries. Like last year, it incorporates a die-cut in the shape of a leaf.

From the family Juglandaceae, the walnut tree is one of the most widespread tree species in Europe and in the Pyrenees, where it lends its name to rivers, such as the Noguera Pallaressa, and even regions, such as La Noguera in Lleida.

Its origins can be traced to Asia Minor, from where it spread to southeast Europe, and from there to the rest of the European continent. According to someresearchers, this is a result of the Roman Empire, which spread the most cultivable walnut species.

Its trunk is usually short and thick, in some cases reaching a width of two metres. From its trunk emerge robust branches in the form of a huge bouquet, giving the tree’s crown its characteristic rounded, leafy shape.

Its leaves are also usually large (between 20 and 35 centimetres long),lanceolate in shape, and also deciduous, alternate and with a petiole comprised of between 5 and 9 leaflets.

The walnut tree is widely cultivated for multiple uses: both for its wood and its well-known fruit, the walnut.

Walnut wood is hard-wearing yet easy to work, allowing it to be used to make high quality furniture, interior fittings, and even musical instruments.

Walnuts are highly appreciated as a food, eaten fresh or in different dishes such as desserts and pastries. Green or unripened walnuts are used to make Ratafia, a liqueur traditionally consumed in the Pyrenees, which is made by macerating green walnuts with brandy and aromatic spices.

Walnut oil is also famous, with important properties and highly esteemed for seasoning dishes.

Walnut shells are pressed to extract walnut ink, a substance used in carpentry for furniture dyeing and in cosmetics, where it is used as a natural hair dye.