Issue date: 08 Sep, 2018

Fundació Privada Tutelar del Principat d Andorra


Fundació Privada Tutelar del Principat d Andorra


Civic Values. Fundació Privada Tutelar

With the aim of protecting disabled people or those on the disability spectrum, as well as defending and protecting their property and rights, the Fundació Privada Tutelar was founded. This non-profit organisation located in the

Principality of Andorra is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

Its activity, which is provided within the public interest sector, protects people who find themselves disabled or on the disability spectrum and who, without a family, need guardians. The foundation gears its activity towards older people who have been neglected, people with mental disorders or functional diversity and minors in dangerous situations, taking on legal guardianship for them and becoming responsible for defending their rights.

Its main work is to follow these legally protected people with the aim of meeting their needs and deficiencies, to improve their personal situation and social integration.

The foundation directly helps these people and their families, as well as promoting socially aware actions in Andorran society.

This year the foundation celebrates its first ten years of uninterrupted activity. To celebrate the anniversary, a discussion has been organised called “Against the stigma”, and also a fundraiser through selling artwork donated by 20 artists from the country.

The stamp is a reinterpretation of the logo created to celebrate the 10 years of the foundation sponsored by the Síndic General d´Andorra.