Issue date: 05 Nov, 2020

Candidatura del patrimoni mundial de la UNESCO. Casa de la Vall


Candidatura del patrimoni mundial de la UNESCO. Casa de la Vall



The Casa de la Vall is one of the monuments included in the bid being presented by the Principality of Andorra for inclusion on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. This multinational bid alongside France and Spain but led by the Principality of Andorra seeks recognition for a number of sites located in all three countries that have played a key role in the historic configuration of Andorra, a unique process in the history of political and territorial constitution in Europe.

This issue consists of a main image of the Casa de la Vall on the stamp, created using a traditional engraving burin. Two vignettes are included alongside the stamp, reproducing two old engravings of the Château of Foix (France) and the Cathedral of Seu d’Urgell (Spain).

The bid also includes other sites in Andorra, such as the churches of Sant Joan de Caselles, Sant Romà de les Bons, Sant Martí de la Cortinada, Sant Climent de Pal, Santa Coloma, Sant Serni de Nagol, and Sant Miquel d’Engolasters, as well as the Torre dels Moros de Encamp and the archaeological sites of El Roc d’Enclar and La Margineda.

The Casa de la Vall is the most representative monument in the bid as it is the headquarters of the Consell General, originally known as the Consell de la Terra, currently the parliament building that houses the State’s legislative bodies.

The building originally belonged to the Busquets family who, according to the shield to be found above the entrance, built it in 1580. The Consell General acquired the building in 1702 to establish its headquarters and hold meetings of the representatives of the various parishes in the country, as well as to be the headquarters of the judiciary. In 1962, restoration work was carried out on the building to adapt it to the new needs of the Consell until this body was finally able to relocate to a new building in 2011. The building remains a historic headquarters of the Consell.