Issue date: 06 Feb, 2004





With this issue which depicts the image of an oak tree called La Terrona , located in Zarza de Montánchez (Caceres), begins a new series devoted to the Monumental Trees of Spain. They are a unique specimen which have been classified by the competent institutions and named as Monumental.

This oak tree known as La Terrona is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Montánchez, in its northern side, in the spot known as Cordel de La Cumbre, on earth coming from the decomposition of granite and acids deep and light. Its surroundings are divided in a number of plots of cereal crops and pasture making up a beautiful meadow fenced with stone walls amongst which runs the old path leading to La Cumbre . The oak tree or Quercus ilex L ., La Terrona was declared Monumental Tree by the Junta de Extremadura because within its species its one of the biggest and oldest of the Iberian Peninsula. Its between 800 and 1000 years old and 16,40 metres high with one short thick and hollow trunk which at a height of 2,17 metres divides into three main branches making up a low, wide and irregular crown. The perimeter of the trunk reaches up to 1,30 and 7,75 metres and 9,42 at its base. The diameter of the crown is of 27 metres and the total hight is of 572 m2. The oak tree La Terrona owes its shape to the many prunings over the years.