Issue date: 23 Jul, 2004





A stamp has been issued to celebrate the centenary of the Circulo Oscense building, one hundred years on from its inauguration.

This singular building, constructed in the modernist style and the most representative piece of architecture of its type in Huesca, was commissioned by the Sociedad del Circulo Oscense , an association founded by Manuel Camo in 1877, as a recreational and social centre and a meeting place for the broadly liberal members of the Circulo . While the 20 th century was still in its infancy, the members wanted a building of their own, and having acquired some land in the Plaza de Zaragoza in the centre of Huesca, they commissioned the architect Ildefonso Bonells Recharx who, together with Ricardo Magdalena, constructed the building that features on this stamp. Conceived in the "Casino" style of the time, with a library, games rooms and recreational salons where members could satisfy a whole range of leisure and cultural pursuits, it became a meeting place for the city's bourgeoisie and was for a time the headquarters of the Liberal Party in the province. Some of the building's particularly notable features are the great front door, carved in walnut by Francisco Arnal, the foyer, the staircase, the painted murals and the décor of the various salons, not forgetting the furnishings, chinaware and other ornamental elements. It opened as a Casino in 1904 and was officially inaugurated on 10 August of the same year. The Casino enjoy its most splendid period during the first quarter of the 20 th century. Maintained by its members and the income from the gaming tables, it was the venue for balls, concerts and events of great moment in the social life of the city. The prohibition of both gaming and political parties under Primo de Rivera sent the centre into decline with a marked reduction in its income. During the civil war, the building was converted into a military hospital, and in 1951, when sufficient resources to maintain it were no longer available, the President of the Circulo gave it to Huesca City Council. After being forgotten for many years, the Circulo Oscense Municipal Foundation was formed in 1982, and the building has been returned to popular use under the direction of a governing board.