Issue date: 29 May, 2004

DIARIOS CENTENARIOS.- Diario de Valencia


DIARIOS CENTENARIOS.- Diario de Valencia


As part of a series of stamps dedicated to Centenarian Newspapers, a stamp has been issued with a face value of 27 cents to commemorate the 214th anniversary of Diario de Valencia.

This Valencian newspaper, one of the elder statesmen of the Spanish press, appeared for the first time on 1 July 1790. It was founded by Josep de la Croix and Pascual Martín, and during the early months of its publication was printed at the workshop of José Estevan y Cervera, until finally being produced on its own presses. It was well received by the people of Valencia, who either bought it straight from the press, or from the blind newspaper vendors who sold it in the street or by subscription. The Diario de Valencia, edited by Josep de la Croix until 1801, contained items of general and local interest and paid special attention to issues relating to Valencia's own historic past. The ups and downs of Spanish historical and political life have interrupted the newspaper's daily publication on various occasions throughout the centuries. Publication was halted from 5 January to 1 February 1812 due to the War of Independence, following which the paper reappeared with an editorial line that supported the French. There were further brief interruptions. From 17 December 1813 to 22 February 1815 its name was changed to Diario de la Ciudad de Valencia del Cid. After the Napoleonic War and the introduction of Absolutism, the newspaper suffered a further interruption on 20 February 1815. Under the control and management of the conservatives it regained its original name, but during the absolutist reaction, which ended with the liberal triennium, the paper closed once again. It then reappeared in May 1824 and was published continuously until 6 May 1835, when publication was again suspended.

This historical newspaper, now published by the company Diario de Valencia S.L. (a member of the Recoletos Group) and edited by Jesús Sánchez Carrascosa, has a circulation of 50,000 and is printed on the presses of Recoprint Sagunto. With its reputation for independence, honesty, dynamism and credibility, it is an undying defender of the rights and interests of ordinary Valencians, their daily lives and their culture.

The stamp depicts the newspaper's masthead and a street newspaper vendor.