Issue date: 07 Apr, 2004





In the series called Clothing , a block page was issued with four stamps dedicated to the Shawl , which reproduce fragments of works of the Madrid-born painter Soledad Fernández.

The shawl , an item of women's clothing originating in China, which was introduced to Manila in the 16th century, is produced using pieces of embroidered silk and was taken by Spanish traders to the American colonies in Mexico, Guatemala and Peru. At the end of the 18th century, its use spread to some parts in the United States, such as California, Boston and Philadelphia. It became popular in Spain a century later and was frequently used as an overgarment or a dress complement by cigarette sellers, seamstresses and violet sellers, and even by women of the aristocracy, as can be seen from the costumbrista painting of the period. From Spain, the garment spread throughout Europe where it was transformed according to use and taste. It is for this reason that after it was introduced to Spain, the original Chinese shawl called the Manila shawl , made of silk and embroidery, covered with small Oriental floral motifs, adopted ornamental and colourful features in its design from native Spanish flowers and the other European countries where it became popular. Another feature that also contributed to the shawl's transformation was its decoration using added short fringes woven into the fabric itself. These fringes gradually became longer and were woven separately, and were fastened so that the stitches and joints with the fabric were not visible. The shawl , known in Spain as the Manila, is today a select item of female clothing, which is worn on formal occasions. Those reproduced on these stamps which illustrate fragments of paintings by the painter Soledad Fernández are an example of their elegance, variety and beauty.