Issue date: 21 Oct, 2004





The Cíes Islands (Vigo), the Ebro Delta Natural Park (Tarragona) and the 50 th Anniversary of Caldera de Taburiente National Park (on the Island of La Palma) are the places featured in this year's Nature series.

The Cíes archipelago, which lies at the entrance to the Vigo inlet, is formed by the islands of Monte Agudo or North Island, Monte Faro or Central Island and San Martiño or South Island, along with a number of islets. This geographical area of more than 3,000 hectares, of which only 433 hectares lie above the water line, was designated in 2002 as the Maritime and Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. The Cíes Islands are uninhabited, and their surrounding marine beds are extraordinarily rich in both flora and fauna. Their natural beauty is further enhanced by a warm climate with low rainfall levels and a geographical position that has proved an ideal environment for the establishment of a number of colonies of seabirds. In April this year, the islands were included among the Special Bird Protection Zones.

The Ebro Delta is the largest wetland area in Catalonia and the second largest in the whole of Spain after the Doñana National Park. Of this huge plain, which extends over some 32,000 hectares in total, around 8,000 hectares to the south of Tarragona are given over to a National Park, between the regional districts of Montsiá (at the right-hand edge) and Baix Ebre (at the left-hand edge). This area is of great ecological value for the bird population, forming both a breeding ground, an area where birds can pass the winter, and a place where they can rest and feed during migration. More than 350 different species have been identified. Many different horticultural and fruit varieties are also cultivated in the Delta, particularly rice crops. In order to ensure that the ecological and agricultural requirements of the area remained compatible, the Catalan Government created the Ebro Delta National Park in a decree that was implemented in 1983 and ratified and extended in 1986.

Caldera de Taburiente (on the island of La Palma) was declared a National Park in 1954. Covering 4,960 hectares, its rugged landscape, the result of volcanic explosions, landslides and steady erosion by both wind and water, is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are threatened with extinction. The natural resources of this region have long attracted geologists and botanists who have carried out specific studies of its geology, flora and fauna. As well as being an area for the conservation and protection of a number of different species, the Park also serves as a teaching environment for the general public.