Issue date: 04 Jul, 2005





Another series which increases its number of stamps each year is the castle issue, this time devoted to Alcaudete (Jaén), Valderrobres (Teruel) and Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara).

Located in the far western part of the Sierra del Sur region is the town of Alcaudete. Nearby, over a steep hill stand the walls and slender towers of its Arab fortress with its tower of the Homenaje. This fortress, with its polygonal floor, was famous during the caliphate for its difficult accessibility and strategic location. It was strongly fought over by both Muslims and Christians. It was reconquered by Alfonso VI in 1085 and in later centuries was handed over by Ferdinand III the Saint, to the Moorish king of Baeza. Later on it belonged to the Order of Calatrava and on and off to the Nazars until it was reconquered by Alfonso XI in 1340. The castle was rebuilt in the 13th and 14th centuries by the Order of Calatrava. The town and its castle reached their maximum splendour in the 16th century when the Lord of Alcaudete was awarded the title of count. The stamp depicts the front façade, which was declared a historic monument in 1985.

On raised ground, overlooking the town of Molina de Aragón, is the medieval fortress. The compound is made up of two walled enclosures and a castle within. The fortress is of Arab origin and belonged to the royals of Castille. The building works were concluded thanks to Blanca de Molina. It has been the scene of various battles since the Middle Ages: The wars of Independence, the Carlist wars and was also refuge to the Empecinado. Its towers of Armas, Cubierta, Veladores and Homenaje and walls have endured the centuries. The stamp depicts the walled enclosure and the turrets.

In the region of Matarraña, in the north western area of the province of Teruel is the village of Valderrobres where the 14th century castle stands. It was home for the gentry, bishops and queens and was even seat for the Parliament of Aragon where King Alfonso V gained special relevance in 1429. It has a hexagonal floor, built on three levels, with rooms surrounding a patio and large windows and arches in its front and side façades. The castle was declared a national monument in 1931 and the stamp depicts a view of its façade.