Issue date: 16 May, 2005

Diarios Centenarios


Diarios Centenarios


The Diario Palentino has 124 years of journalistic experience and has always been devoted to serving and defending the interests of the people from Palencia. It was founded on 17th May 1881 on the initiative of José Alonso Rodríguez and it is of a liberal tendency. In 1941 it merged with a conservative newspaper called “El Día”. In the 1980´s the newspaper was purchased by the Alonso family who in 1998 sold it to the Promecal group who brought the newspaper up to date, changing its headquarters and providing it with new means and technology. The stamp has been designed by Ion Echebeste and depicts the image of the Otero Christ, work of Victorio Macho, the city’s coat of arms and a rooster that symbolizes the newspaper sellers that are part of the paper’s corporate identity.

In 1893, José Tous Ferrer founded the evening newspaper Ultima Hora in Palma de Mallorca. This newspaper eventually became a morning paper and in 1974 the publisher of the Majorca Daily Bulletin bought the majority of the shares from the Tous family. Currently, the Serra Group owns many media: Diari de Balears (issued in Catalonian), Ultima Hora Radio (associated with COPE), Brisas (Sunday supplement of Ultima Hora), Antena 3 TV Mallorca (local news TV channel) and from January 2000, Ultima Hora Menorca. Another initiative was the publication of the Great Encyclopedia of Mallorca made up of 18 volumes on the culture of the island. This daily newspaper supports those groups and people that make the Balearic Islands a more prosperous, modern and diverse community. The stamp depicts a newspaper folded up over the sea and the islands.

The Diario de Ibiza is the oldest morning newspaper of the Balearic Islands. It was founded in 1893 and is 112 years old. Its long career and defence of the interests of the Pitiusa Islands has won it the gold medals of the government of the island and of the town council. Since 1991 it has been part of the Prensa Ibérica Group who undertook a big renovation of its business structure and modernisation of its production systems. The Diario de Ibiza offers the reader a wide selection of sports, social and cultural supplements besides their tourist guides to Ibiza and Formentera. The stamp shows an innovative design with maritime and architectural motifs of Ibiza and Formentera.

El Diario de Ibiza, el més antic dels diaris del matí a les Balears, es fundà el 1893, d’aquí que tingui 112 anys d’existència. La seva llarga trajectòria i defensa dels interessos de les illes Pitiüses el van fer mereixedor de les més altes distincions: medalles d’or del Consell Insular i de l’Ajuntament d’Eivissa. Pertany des del 1991 al Grupo Prensa Ibérica, que realitzà una important renovació de la seva estructura empresarial i modernitzà els seus sistemes de producció. El Diario de Ibiza ofereix als lectors una variada selecció de suplements esportius, socials i culturals, a més de les Guies de turisme d’Eivissa i Formentera segell mostra un disseny innovador amb motius marins i arquitectònics al·lusius a Eivissa i Formentera.