Issue date: 15 Apr, 2005

EUROPA.- Gastronomía


EUROPA.- Gastronomía


The Europe series, which is issued annually by the Postal Administrations belonging to PostEurop (the Association of Public European Postal Operators) with a common theme, is dedicated this year to Gastronomy, in order to publicize the large variety of dishes from the 43 administrations that form this international organization.

The rich gastronomy of our country can be enjoyed in a large variety of dishes and specialties that can be tasted in different areas and towns throughout our country. The soups, vegetables, rice dishes, and bean dishes have different textures and flavors depending on the recipes from each region. Traditional dishes such as bean stews, paellas, stews, and seafood stews, etc. compete for space alongside the rich variety of fish and savory meats that form “nouveau cuisine,” a delicious treat for any aficionado of good food. This gastronomic diversity is one of the factors that undoubtedly attracts visitors to the different regions, and it serves as an inspiration to taste the different specialties that accompany the fine wines from our country and the fine selection of desserts, including sweets and cakes. The stamp shows an inn with a succulent, exquisite plate of ham- a product which has become one of the most highly esteemed elements of our gastronomy throughout the world in recent years. The creation of a good ham requires a process that includes salting, curing, drying, and aging, to obtain the precise aroma and taste. The Europe series was first issued in 1956 by the six founding countries of the European Community of Carbon and Steel, but it wasn’t until four years later, with the creation of the CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations), that it truly became known for the issue of stamps aimed at spreading the culture and history of the Old Continent. The image that appeared on the stamp was identical in all of the countries for more than a decade, until in 1974 the single design was substituted with a common theme. In the 90´s, due to the further development of Postal and Telecommunications services, the two sectors were separated. In 1993 the organization formerly known as the CEPT became the PostEurop, which is now responsible for promoting stamp collection and for deciding on the annual theme for the Europe series, among other responsibilities.