Issue date: 11 Jul, 2005





The theme of this issue is the right of newborn babies to be identified at the moment of their birth. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of this subject, internationally supported by INTERPOL, which celebrates its 76th anniversary in Spain, and the Spanish National Police Force whose emblems are depicted on the stamp.

The identification of the newborn baby aims to guarantee the legal identity of the baby by means of a dactilography, or fingerprint, a universal system based on the fact that the papilla of the dermis prints a characteristic and unique design for each person over the skin. For this reason, Doctor Antonio Garrido-Lestache has designed a document with various rectangles in which the baby’s fingerprints of the index and middle finger together with those of the mother’s index finger and thumb of the right hand of both are registered, at the very moment of the birth, in such a way that the legal identity corresponds with the anthropological identity of the binomial mother-child. This system, which has been implemented in other countries, solves the problems that arise with identification in hospitals and guarantees the right of parents to know who their children are, since this document is recorded in the register of births and in the national identity card of the child. Spain is one of the most advanced countries when it comes to legislation on the identity of newborn babies and complies with the international rules of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, passed in the General Assembly of the UN in 1989. The official Gazette of the Comunidad de Madrid (the regional government of Madrid) published on the 7th April 1995, the bill Ley de Garantías de los Derechos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia , where in article 11 figures the right of every child “ to be correctly identified at the moment of their birth, by the most precise and advanced methods through a Child Identity Document which will be given to the father or person designated by the mother after the birth”. This regulation is implemented in all public hospitals all over Spain.