Issue date: 25 Feb, 2005





The XIX edition of the National Youth Stamp Exhibition, Juvenia 2005, which takes place every two years, will be held between the 25th of February and 5th March in Tordera (near Barcelona). Coinciding with the inauguration, a stamp is issued depicting the belfry of the church of Sant Esteve.Juvenia, like its name suggests, is an event aimed specially at young people as they constitute the basis for the future of stamp collecting. This edition is organised by the Philatelic Association of Tordera. In Juvenia 2005 nearly 100 philatelic collections are assembled from youngsters aged 13 to 21 years old from all over Spain and neighbouring countries such as Portugal and France. It has six juries who will evaluate the collections which enter the competition. Many cultural events will also take place such as courses, philatelic workshops, music and theatre as well as a meeting of youth delegates from Italy, France, Portugal, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. At the closure of this XIX edition the Juvenia 2007 will be presented, which will take place in Calahorra.The town of Tordera, named after the river that flows through it , is located in the Maresme region and is one of the biggest towns in the area. Part of it is occupied by the Montnegre Natural Park. It’s economy is based on agriculture, and factories of construction material and espadrilles. There is a medieval castle called Comte de Valltordera the church of Sant Esteve as well as other monuments such as the churches of Saint Pere Riu , Sant Lop d’ Hortsavinyà, the Chapel of Sant Ponç and the ruins of the Monastery of Roca-rossa, all located in the surrounding area. The stamp depicts a view from the tower of Saint Esteve, built in three stages: An early romanic stage of the XI century and the rest of it of later centuries the last one corresponding to the XVI. On the stamp is a thrush, which is the symbol of the town of Tordera.