Issue date: 14 Feb, 2005





Lullabies, prayers, games, stories, riddles and Christmas songs make up the oral legacy passed on from one generation to another originating a rich cultural heritage of children's folklore with which many a generation have learnt to sing, read, recite and write. Thanks to the oral transmission, to folklorists, and to all those who have compiled the information, tradition is alive. The lyrical compositions, due to their own musicality when recited, to their easiness to be learnt and their gracefulness when recited have a great number of supporters amongst children. This, as well as the work of those scholars who have since the XVII century began to compile and study the poetic folklore contributes to assure its continuity. We mustn't forget that music must be part of children's games. The rhythm together with the lyrics, contribute to the development of the child's language. It has been proven that children's songs make generations meet. In fact, when children learn songs at school these end up being sung by their parents. Equally children's stories are of a great help to childhood since there is nothing better than children stories to stimulate their imagination and fantasy. If songs link generations , book reading brings adults closer to children and boosts their imagination building bonds of affectivity. Correos and philately, with this issue made up of eight stamps named "For children. Songs and popular stories" wants to recall the songs and stories best known. This will make the elder remember old times and will arise the children's interest and make them chant along since the mini-sheet includes the lyrics of some of these songs and stories: Los Pollitos, Para entrar en clase, Al levantar una lancha, El patio de mi casa and Estaba la pajara pinta, Aqui te espero; the night prayer Cuatro esquinitas and the carol Pero mira como beben. The stamps with values 0,28; 0,53 and 0,78 € are beautifully illustrated by painter Raquel Fariñas with a naïve technique , rich in details and colour.