Issue date: 26 Jan, 2005





A series called Civic Values is issued with two stamps devoted to Road Safety and Blood Donation.Road safety is a concept which involves both citizens and the Administration and is gradually gaining social importance. For this reason the Administration must take all the possible measures for the prevention of accidents by creating the adequate infrastructures and the improvement of roads and implementing programmes of education on the road aimed at citizens. The informative campaigns reflect the dangers that come from consumption of alcohol, sleepiness, high speed driving and undue overtaking and stand out the importance of responsible driving, respect of the rules and road signs , upkeep of vehicles and assistance of those involved in a car accident amongst many other aspects. But it is society as a whole, drivers and passers-by , the ones to become aware of the importance of road safety and an adequate behaviour in the public thoroughfares. The responsibility belongs to all of us and this is the message that we wish to get through with this issue.

Blood Donation is an altruistic and voluntary act which contributes to save lives and improves the health of the ill. Blood is a scarce and vital good for the human body, which gives blood donation a civic and social dimension under the guardianship of the governing bodies. Spain is one of the countries with the most updated legislation on blood donation offering on the one hand security and quality of the blood used for transfusions and on the other a guarantee for donors. The blood shortage and the need of it throughout the world make investigations to obtain artificial blood a constant line of investigation, however all attempts have up till now failed.In this stamp features the logo used by the Ministry of Health on the World Day of Donors, decreed by the National Health Organisation on the 14th June 2004.