Issue date: 14 Oct, 2006





The member countries of the Postal Union of America, Spain and Portugal (UPAEP), issue a stamp every year with a common theme, and this year the focus is on Energy saving: aiming at making society aware of the fact that energy sources are running out and encourage energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energy sources into the economic fabric of our society.

The current energetic model, based on fossil fuels is running out and the so-called renewable energies have still a limited impact, which means that in the future the energetic resources will not be enough to keep up with society’s activity so there is the need to move on to energies more suited to the economic, security, and environmental needs of the 21st century promoting the use of cleaner fuels and better insulation and heating efficiency for buildings and homes and champion small-scale renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

Energy saving policies as well as a more efficient use of energy aim at reducing carbon dioxide emissions as well as other gases of greenhouse effects; a problem to which society is growing more and more sensitive.

The renewable energies are therefore new fields for investigation and development to face the scarce natural reserves of the traditional coal and oil fuels. The solar, wind, hydraulic and bio-mass, energies are all of them less pollutant and are referred to in the stamp issued by all member countries of the UPAEP.