Issue date: 31 Jan, 2006

ÁRBOLES MONUMENTALES.- Ciprés de La Anunciada


ÁRBOLES MONUMENTALES.- Ciprés de La Anunciada


Following the issues on the holm of La Terrona in Zarza de Montánchez, Cáceres and the ahuehuete tree in the Retiro park in Madrid, both considered Monumental Trees, we issue this year a stamp devoted to the beautiful cypress tree of the convent of La Anunciada in Villafranca del Bierzo, León. In 2006 it’s the 400th anniversary of this emblematic tree. The Cypress of La Anunciada is set in the grounds of the Monastery of the order of Saint Claire, and has witnessed the historic events of the place since its foundation in 1606 by Pedro de Toledo, fifth Marquess of Villafranca and viceroy of Naples. In this convent entered his daughter Maria de Toledo whom tradition regards as the person who planted the tree. The cypress serves as milestone in the landscape as it enables the quick location of the monastery from far away since the tree is planted at the top of the vegetable garden and its a cultural reference both for the inhabitants of El Bierzo as for those walking the Jacobean way. The tree is 40 metres high and its trunk has a diameter of around 1,55 m. It is one of the highest trees in Spain and thus its denomination of Monumental Tree. With regards to its conservation, in recent years it has been damaged by fungus, pathogenic insects and the split of secondary and tertiary branches. These injuries are been dealt with phytosanitary treatments to fight the plagues. This conservation technique comes to improve the living conditions of this beautiful tree and contribute to its survival, thanks to the work of various institutions that count on the advice of prestigious experts.