Issue date: 20 Apr, 2006





Correos issues five new stamps within the series « Diarios Centenarios » (Centenary Newspapers). The papers are: Diario de Leon, Diario de Pontevedra, Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano, Diario de Avila and El Norte de Castilla. The stamps depict the paper’s logos and illustrations allusive to their 100 years. This series carries on the tradition of issuing stamps to those general information newspapers that reach their 100 years of existence, and up to this day 17 stamps have been issued acknowledging the perseverance and informative task of these. On the 3rd February the Diario de Leon celebrated its 100 years. It was founded in 1906 under the patronage of bishop Sanz Sarabia. It went through a thorough process of modernisation in the 70’s. Since 1997 it belongs to Corporacion Voz de Galicia, and it’s mainly focused on local issues. The digital paper was launched in 2002.

The Diario de Pontevedra was first issued on the 13th July 1889 and suffered several interruptions in its daily printing. After various periods of crisis it was refloated by a co op made up of the paper’s own workers. In the late 90’s it’s masthead was purchased by the El Progreso de Lugo Group which has introduced many improvements and enlarged its edition.

The El Mercantil Valenciano, another publication of the 19th century, was first published on the 24th October 1872. After being confiscated in 1939, the Levante appeared to continue its work. The Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano recovered its masthead and now belongs to the Editorial Prensa Iberica Group which has undertaken its modernisation both technologically as staff wise.

The Diario de Avila first appeared on the 24th November 1898. At the beginning of 1925 the Editorial Catolica Abulense took over the management and in May 2002, after an important change in the shareholders, it was purchased by the PROMECAL group which carried out many a renovation.

The Norte de Castilla, was founded on the 17th October 1856 in Valladolid. It is the main newspaper in Castilla León and is mainly focused on regional information and has five daily editions in the region.