Issue date: 23 Nov, 2006

EFEMÉRIDES. 25 aniversario de la implantación del escudo de España


EFEMÉRIDES. 25 aniversario de la implantación del escudo de España


On occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Implementation of the Coat of Arms of Spain, a new stamp is issued within the “Anniversaries” series.

The current Coat of Arms of Spain is regulated by the Law 33/1981 of October 5th and by the Royal Decree 2964/1981, from 18th December by which the official model of the Coat of Arms of Spain is made public, as are its use and size. The Royal Decree 2267/82 of 3rd September specifies its colours. The heraldry of the Spanish Coat of Arms has varied a dozen times since it was first established in the Trastámara Dinasty with the Catholic Monarchs (1474-1492). It was made up of the Arms of the Kingdoms of Castilla, León and the Crown of Aragon to which were added the Arms of the Kingdom of Granada after the conquer of these territories. It was followed by the Coat of Arms of the Austria Dinasty who introduced the imperial crown and the Hercules Column with the legend “Plus Ultra”, joining it with the Golden Fleece. The Borbon- Anjou Dynasty introduced the lily flower of the House of Borbon with the embroidery in red and added the Order of the Holy Ghost as a necklace. Later on came the Coat of Arms of the Bonaparte Dynasty which divided it into six army quarters: Castilla, León, Navarra, Granada and the New World and added the arms of Bonaparte. Once more, the Borbon-Anjou dynasty recovered the Coat of Arms of its ancestors and with the provisional Government (1868-1870) the royal crown was substituted by the mural crown. The Savoy Dynasty (1870-1873) restored the royal crown which was again suppressed and replaced by the mural crown with the I Republic (1873-1874). Then came the Coats of Arms of the Borbon-Anjou Dynasty and the II Republic (1931-1939). In 1938, during the civil war, General Franco adopted the one used at the time of the Catholic Monarchs. The current Coat of Arms, celebrates its 25th Anniversary and it’s a summary of our history with the depicting of elements with more than nine centuries of tradition.