Issue date: 08 Nov, 2006

EFEMÉRIDES50 aniv. inauguración del servicio de la Televisión en España


EFEMÉRIDES50 aniv. inauguración del servicio de la Televisión en España


Throughout this year, philately has commemorated many anniversaries and the 50 years of the television service could not go unnoticed.

In the second half of the XIX century, researches of the most advanced countries began to experience on the transmission of images. The French term télévision was first used by the Russian Constatin Perskyi during the I Congress on Electricity held in Paris in 1900. The word was adopted by other languages with very similar expressions. In Spain, the first broadcast took place on the 28th October 1956 from a small studio in the Paseo de la Habana in Madrid. It could only be seen within a distance of 60 kilometres and the number of TV sets was only of 600. The programmes began with the Carta de Ajuste, (a sort of test programme), the opening speech of the Minister of Information and Tourism, Gabriel Arias-Salgado, performances of regional dance groups and chorus and newsreels (NO-DO). The Carta de Ajuste served to tune in the pitch and colour shades and appeared on screen an hour before the broadcast. In the sixties began the development of television with the broadcast of the first football match Barcelona-Real Madrid in 1960, which was mainly seen in the windows of TV stores. That same year connection was established with the international Eurovision network. In 1963 began the use of the two rhombus to warn of the “moral danger” of a particular programme and in 1966 began the broadcast of the second channel (UHF), with a more cultural nature. The events of a highest social interest were the funerals of John F. Kennedy in 1963 and the arrival of man to the moon in 1969 which was seen by millions of people over the world. Throughout these 50 years, television has turned into the most popular communications media, performing an educational, cultural and entertainment role. In this issue we have counted on the collaboration of the National Board of Telecommunication Engineers, a profession which has worked for the development and evolution of the technical television process.