Issue date: 27 Apr, 2006

EFEMÉRIDES. Cent. Coronación Ntra. Sra. Sta. María de los Remedios


EFEMÉRIDES. Cent. Coronación Ntra. Sra. Sta. María de los Remedios


On occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Coronation of Nuestra Señora Santa Maria de los Remedios, a stamp is issued depicting the face of this highly venerated virgin, patron saint of Fregenal de la Sierra, in the region of Extremadura. The image of Nuestra Señora Santa Maria de los Remedios is a carving of gothic features of fine elegance and finesse dressed in a blue blouse and green skirt with a flower print. In one of her arms she holds a baby Jesus as she stands with one leg before the other as if walking. This baby Jesus is known as Luquitas, and according to tradition it was given by a famous bullfighter of the same name to the Virgin as a thanksgiving offering. The image has a valuable trousseau in which stand out four big cloaks embroidered in gold, precious stones and ivory and many other smaller cloaks made out of rich materials. It also has crowns made of gold and gems bought by the town people with which the images of the Virgin and baby where crowned canonically in 1906. The image of the Virgin is kept in the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, a few kilometres form the village of Fregenal de La Sierra . The building made of red brick, granite and whitewashed, began to be built in 1619 and after many works and enlargements was finished in 1785. In its inside it has a little chapel behind the altar holding the Virgin. Its floor has a Greek cross shape, and its stuccoed walls depict vegetable forms and marble columns with straight shafts. In the walls are small niches referring to different moments in the life of the Virgin besides rich decorations and polychromes. The throne where the image lies has a basement where stands the Virgin and four arched columns with angels holding a crown over the Virgin. The whole set is made of golden wood. An inside inscription says that the work is made by José Escribano and José Dominguez, in 1860 and the golden covering is of 1884. Fregenal de la Sierra, is a village located in the southern part of the province of Badajoz and declared of Historic , Artistic and Cultural interest in 1991 by the local government of the region of Extremadura. The festivity of its patron saint is on the Monday following the first Easter Sunday.