Issue date: 11 Oct, 2006





Tradition and modernity go hand in hand in the art of Flamenco dance and song. Although its origins are unclear and the source of continued debate, it is undeniably strongly rooted in Spain and particularly Andalusia. There are those that claim that Flamenco was brought to the Iberian peninsula by the Arabs. Others believe it came from India. However, the most popular theory is that it was brought south by gypsies emigrating from the Netherlands, hence its name, which means Flemish in Spanish. Whatever its origins, the place where it became most deeply rooted was Andalusia, spreading outwards to the rest of Spain, and today Flamenco dance and song form an inseparable part of Spanish culture. It has therefore been represented on a block of stamps created for the World Philatelic Exhibition 2006 which is to be held in Malaga, a city that plays an important role in the emergence and creation of Flamenco dance and song. Two of the greatest exponents of the art, Cristina Hoyos and José Mercé, are to be immortalised in these stamps.

Sevillian dancer Cristina Hoyos Panadero began to specialise in Flamenco dance at the age of sixteen, appearing in a number of Flamenco shows before meeting Antonio Gades, who took her into his company as a dancing partner in 1969. In 1974 she played the lead role, Novia, in the show Bodas de Sangre, going on to dance important roles from the world of theatre, ballet and film in works inspired by Carmen, El Amor Brujo, Montoyas y Tarantos, Yerma, Al compás del tiempo and Tierra adentro, shows that she would take on tour around the globe. Her dancing is remarkable for its superb technique, in which she demonstrates a perfect balance between the strong roots on which she draws and more modern styles. Cristina Hoyos has been honoured with important awards such as the National Dance Award, the Gold Medal of Andalusia and the Fine Arts Gold Medal, among others. A native of Jerez, José Mercé learnt to sing at the Merced choral school, from which he took his stage name. Performing in public for the first time at the Jerez Flamenco Festivals at the age of twelve, in 1973 he joined the Gades company with which he toured the world. He has performed several times with the National Ballet and has released many recordings, winning many awards and honours over the last 25 years. This block of stamps has been designed by the Jesús Sánchez studio.