Issue date: 21 Sep, 2006

FIESTAS POPULARES50 edición de las Fiestas de la Vendimia Riojana


FIESTAS POPULARES50 edición de las Fiestas de la Vendimia Riojana


A new stamp is issued on occasion of the 50th Festivity of the Rioja grape harvest. (50 Fiesta de la Vendimia Riojana).

In September comes the time for the grape harvest, when the fruit is recollected and the process of wine making begins. From long ago, harvest time has stood for fiesta and celebrations, as depict countless art pieces by painters and artists of all periods, amongst which stands out La Vendimia (The Grape Harvest) by Goya. Many Spanish towns celebrate the harvest, and La Rioja and Logroño, are two of the most significant ones. In Logroño it takes place from the 20 to the 28 of September, coinciding with the festivity of San Mateo, patron saint of the town. The celebrations begin with the launching of the chupinazo, a burst of fireworks launched from the balcony of the town hall, which gives way to a week of street celebrations. Parades, food and wine tasting organised by the different clubs, bull fights, ball games, theatre, music and fireworks.- all these accompanied by good wine and zurracapote (traditional drink). However, the most important event of all takes place on the 21st , day of San Mateo, Patron Saint of Logroño when the stepping on the grape takes place as well as the offer of the first grape juice to the Valvanera Virgin. To obtain this first juice, two bare footed men dressed in regional dress begin the crushing of the grape going around inside the tub until the elder harvesters gather the first juice in a jar and offer it to their Patron Virgin. The festivities of the Rioja grape harvest, have been declared of national tourist interest and celebrate this year their 50th anniversary. The stamp depicts the crushing of the grape and the offering of the first juice to the Virgin.