Issue date: 20 Jan, 2006





A new series is issued called Flora and Fauna which begins with two booklets of 100 stamps each of self adhesive stamps devoted to the carnation and the sparrow, a bird and a flower very popular in Spain.The carnation is a flower belonging to the family of the Carifilacean plants, to the gender of the Dainthus. It lives a couple of years allowing an abundant harvest. This plant, of which Spain is one of its main and pioneer exporters, groups up to 250 species though the best known and most appreciated by the public are the standard and spray varieties. According to its type, the standard or uniflora produces big flowers, whilst the spray or mini variety has small flowers know as clavelina. There is another variety known as micro.

Carnations, have a large variety of colour tones and a soft odour and carry a deep simbology .They can be red, pink, white, yellow and orange and there is also a type of rimmed carnation and ones with stria known as bicolores. The common and popular knowledge has given this flower, depending on its colour a varied simbology in relationship with feelings. A carnation by its tone can represent joy, charm, admiration, love, unhappiness or disappointment. The sparrow or passer domesticus is one of our small birds, measuring up to 14cm and it’s the best known since it lives in inhabited areas. It only travels from towns to the countryside at the end of summer in search of grain and seeds to feed itself. It also feeds on insects, and rubbish in urban areas. These birds have the upper part of their bodies of a dun colour, with black stripes; grey necks; reddish shoulders and white lines in their wings. The female is of a dun colour with a stripped back. For their nest building they use trees and buildings where they make their nests with dry grass. Between April and August the chickens are born and within 15 days they will be flying. They are fed by both parents.