Issue date: 05 Jan, 2006





In order to meet the Postal needs, a stamp is issued for the definitive series (Serie basica) , in which the face of King Juan Carlos is depicted.

On the 22nd November was commemorated the 30th anniversary of the reign of King Juan Carlos I, who was proclaimed king in 1975. That day, the long period of dictatorship was put to an end and in his first important speech the King addressed the Spanish people in a determined, steady speech “today begins a new stage in the history of Spain (…) as a result of the joint effort and the collective determination” (…) “the institution which I represent integrates all Spaniards and today, at such an important time, I summon you all because the wish to serve Spain affects us all. I wish everyone to understand generously and in a broad minded way that our future is based on an effective consensus of national concord”. The concepts of: integration, consensus and concord, proclaimed by the King at that historic moment, opened a door to hope. After a long and fruitful period of transition, democracy was consolidated. The contribution of Juan Carlos I to its establishment has been exceptional and decisive. The recognition to his work goes far beyond our borders.Since the year of his proclamation as King, Juan Carlos has never ceased to emphasize that it’s in the commitment with the liberties established in the Constitution where the monarchic institution reaches its most important historic, present and future sense of being. After 30 years of reign, the best of our recent history, Spain is today a democratic, open, and modern country, and if things continue this way, the future of the constitutional Monarchy is assured. According to recent opinion polls, 75% of the population is satisfied with the way the transition came about and the Crown has become the most valued institution.