Issue date: 04 Apr, 2006





The Civic Values series includes this year four stamps following the same design pattern of last year. Water Saving is one of the themes of this series which aims at reminding consumers and authorities of the need of making a rational use of this precious liquid. Although the Earth’s surface area is 80% water, less than 1% is fresh water. The severe draughts and the climate change that have come about in recent years have turned water into a scarce good making necessary a more responsible use of water and the implementation of policies for saving it up.

Under the theme of Drogas No (No Drugs) written out in the four official languages of Spain , this 0,35 € stamp is devoted to the fight against drugs and the XX Anniversary of the National Drug Plan , set up by the Government in 1985. Drug dependency is a serious problem for society and the Administration, who has implemented in the past twenty years many plans on prevention, assistance to drug addicts, rehabilitation programs, and social and health measures. The abuse of alcohol, tobacco, strong, soft and synthetic drugs is fought by means of many publicity campaigns aiming at alerting young people on the dangers of drug consuming.

The fight against traffic in humans is another of the challenges of our time and one of the themes of this third stamp. In recent years the increase on human trafficking – mostly related to the sexual exploitation of women and children – have driven member countries of the EU and the international community to implement measures to fight against the mafia who deal with this modern form of slavery and to try to guarantee the respect and dignity of the victims.