Issue date: 10 Sep, 2007





The castle series, issued year after year, is once more available with two new stamps. Thanks to these minute pictures and the nature of stamps, these castles travel the world and are universally known. This year’s issue depicts the castles of Almenar and Villena.

The castle-palace of Almenar is one of the best kept in the region of Soria. It has two square floor enclosures with rounded towers at the and it is surrounded by a ditch with a double arch bridge. In the interior it has a patio and buildings with the royal rooms. This fortress is of Arab origin and underwent restoration in the XV century. In the Cantar de los siete infantes by Lara there is a mention to this castle. In 1430 Juan II of Castile granted Hernán Bravo de Lagunas the knighthood of Almenar. In 1677 king Carlos II spent the night at the Castle on his way from Zaragoza. Also Maria Luisa of Savoy , first wife of Philip V , visited the castle in 1706 on her way to Madrid from France. During the XVIII the castle was abandoned, and years later became a military barrack. Leonor Izquierdo, wife to poet Antonio Machado was born there.

The castle of Villena is placed on mount San Cristobal dominating over the town and surrounding area. It is surrounded by a wall with plenty of cubes and the enclosure has a polygonal floor and cubic towers at the angles. It has also a Muslim origin as the previous castle, and was restored in the XV century turning the castle-palace into a magnificent Homage tower. It was conquered in 1239 by the viscount of Cardona with the aid of the knights of the Order of Calatrava to whom King Jaime I entrusted its custody. By the treaty of Almizra it became property of Fernado III of Castile. It was the centre of the revolt of the Germanias and suffered severe damage in the war of the Independence. It underwent restoration after being declared National Monument in 1931.