Issue date: 23 Mar, 2007

EFEMÉRIDES. 50 Aniv. de la C.E.E.


EFEMÉRIDES. 50 Aniv. de la C.E.E.


More than 490 million citizens of 27 member countries commemorate this year the 50th Anniversary of the European Economic Community (EEC); an international organisation with political, social and economic aims which promotes democracy, freedom, and social justice between the member countries.

The idea of building up a united Europe, in peace and welfare, comes up after the Second World War , but did not come into force until 1957 with the signing of the Treaty of Rome by Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands by which the European Economic Community (CEE) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) were created. The EEC marked the starting point for a common market which had as its aim the eventual economic union of its member nations, ultimately leading to political union. It worked for the free movement of goods, service, labour and capital, the abolition of trusts and cartels, and the development of joint and reciprocal policies on labour, social welfare, agriculture, transport, and foreign trade. In 1973 three new countries joined the treaty: Denmark, Ireland and United Kingdom. In 1981 it was Greece and in 1986 Spain and Portugal. In 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden became member countries and in 2004 the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovaquia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Malta and Poland. Finally on the 1st of January 2007, Bulgaria and Rumania joined in making a total of 27 member countries. With the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty in November of 1993, the European Economic Community changed its name and became the European Union (EU). One of its main economic achievements was the establishment of the Euro in 2002 which is currently in use in 13 member countries. The EU has five institutions with specific functions: The European Parliament; the European Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors. On the 26th May 1986 the official flag was first used made up of a circle of twelve yellow stars over a blue background. This flag does not replace those of the member countries since each of these keeps its own. This commemorative stamp depicts the map of Europe grouping the countries in different colours depending on the year they joined the EU beneath the twelve golden stars representing solidarity amongst the European countries.