Issue date: 09 May, 2007

EFEMÉRIDES.Cantar de Mio Cid


EFEMÉRIDES.Cantar de Mio Cid


Amongst the medieval epic poems that narrate the heroic deeds and adventures of heroes and knights, the Cantar de Mio Cid (The Song of the Cid), holds a special place of honour since it’s the masterpiece of the epic literature of Castille and the only one in Spanish Literature of this gender.

The Cantar de Mio Cid is the work of an unknown author and was copied or written down by Pere Abbat in 1207, as appears in the explicit, although the only issue that remains is kept in the National Library and dates from 100 years later. The original copy has its first page missing and two others in the middle of the book. It is written in medieval Spanish, in verses of different length and assonant rhyme and it is a very rich and sober text: “there is nothing unnecessary in the text, no redundant particle, no useless adjective no spare words “says an expert. The Cantar de Mio Cid is divided into three parts and is the oldest preserved written document of Spanish epic poetry. The first part (1086 verses) tells how the Cid is thrown out of Castille by King Alfonso VI. Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar leaves his native town, Vivar, heading for Burgos with no one giving him shelter. In San Pedro de Cardeña he says goodbye to his wife and two daughters and begins his battle with the moors. After the victory he sends a present to the king to obtain his forgiveness. The second part (1190 verses) is devoted to his daughters’s weddings .He begins to march towards Valencia, conquers the city and again sends presents to the King who forgives him and allows him to meet his family in Valencia. The nobles of Carrion ask to wed the Cid’s daughters and the King sponsors the celebrations which last fifteen days. The third part (1472 verses ) is about the Afrenta de Corpes (Corpes offence). It tells of the cowardice of the husbands of the Cid’s daughters when facing a lion and during the battle against king Bucar of Morocco. These, when feeling humiliated and ashamed, decide to take revenge on Elvira and Sol, the Cid’s daughters, battering them in the Corpes oak wood. The Cid seeks justice from the king and a duel is set up in which the representatives of the Cid beat the nobles of Carrión. These are left dishonoured and their marriages annulled. The poem ends with the new weddings of the Cid’s daughters to noblemen of Navarra and Aragon and the verse “Lo! the deeds of the Cid Campeador! Here takes the book an end “ The stamp depicts the first verses of the Cantar de Mio Cid as written down by a copyist.