Issue date: 23 Apr, 2007





Once more, the member countries of Post Europ (Association of European Public Postal Operators), issue the Europa series with a common theme, this year devoted to the Scout Movement on the 100th Anniversary of it’s foundation.

It was British army member Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powel (London 1857- Nyeri, Kenya 1941) who founded the Scout Movement in 1907. with an outstanding military career, he was also a excellent explorer who fought in the Boer war in South Africa bravely defending the besieged town of Mafeking (1899-1900). He gathered a group of uniformed young boys whom he trained to carry messages and orders to the soldiers, serve as sentries and help out in the distribution of medicines and food, making them responsible for these tasks. This idea on juvenile responsibility made him found the Scout Movement. He wrote many books on educational methods and in 1907 Baden-Powell held the first scouting encampment in Brownsea Island, on the south of England, gathering a group of 20 boys of different ages and social standings to teach them practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports. It was the first experimental encampment to take place and quickly gave way to the Scout Movement which aims at de mental and physical development of children both sexes so that they may play a constructive role in society. Currently, Scouting is an educational movement supported by more than 28 million people around the world – amongst youngsters, adults, men and women- which aims at contributing to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities, collaborating with institutions such as UNICEF, UNESCO and United Nations. The stamp depicts the logo of the 100th Anniversary with the fleur-de-lis of the Scout Movement and the theme “One world, one promise”.