Issue date: 05 Jul, 2007





Correos makes known, through a stamp, the logo and mascot of the International Exhibition Zaragoza 2008. A great event, whose thematic axe is water and sustainable development. It is coordinated by the International Bureau of Exhibitions, organism that chose Zaragoza out of Trieste and Thessalonica as venue for the International Exhibition.

Water and sustainable development is the theme under which this Exhibition will take place from the 14th June to the 14th September of 2008. That will be more than 90 days with 3400 events going on carried out by different companies and artists aimed at children, youngsters and adults. The performances will have some sort of relationship with the thematic of the Exhibition, Water an essential element in the XXI century. The theme will be approached as: Water, Scarce Resource, Water Sceneries, Water as an element of relationship between people and Water for life. The compound devoted to this International Exhibition will cover an area of 25 hectares, it is located near the Ebro river and will be divided into different thematic areas such as Water cities, Shared Water, Extreme water, Islands and coasts etc… In this large fairground over 90 countries will take part in this fabulous event. Correos, one of the sponsors of Zaragoza 2008, issues a stamp in which the Z of Zaragoza is a stroke of water drops, besides featuring the mascot of the exhibition called Fluvi, an acronym of flumen vitae (in latin, the river of life). Fluvi, a character devised by the Barcelona born design teacher Sergi López Jordana, is a lively blue figure with big black eyes resembling E.T. It is a water creature with a semi translucent jelly like body, a positive character which cleans, purifies, fertilizes and gives life to everything it touches. Its author has inspired himself in a water drop.