Issue date: 01 Oct, 2007





The series Flora and Fauna is in this edition is devoted to the lark and the daisy. The stamps are self adhesive and issued in cheque books of hundred stamps.

The Dupont lark (Chersophilus duponti) belongs to the family of the Alaudidae and to the terrestrial order of the passeriformes. It lives in open sandy semi-desert or steppe with scarce vegetation and can be found in the Spanish Iberian mountain range, La Mancha and dry areas of Andalucía. They are small birds that feed on insects and seeds. The population of this bird has seriously declined due to overgrazing and agricultural developments which have caused a reduction in its preferred habitats and a considerable decrease in numbers. It is a species on the verge of extinction and in Spain there are less than 2,000 pairs. It is fairly undistinguishable and has a thin pale crown stripe and a dark-streaked breast. Rather than flying long distances, it runs amongst the bushes and as most birds that live on the ground it has long big claws that give it stability. The lark nests two to six eggs on the ground.

The daisy (Bellis perennis) is a herbaceous plant of the magnoliopsida class belonging to the family of the asteraceae. It has short creeping rhizomes and small rounded or spoon shaped leaves measuring 2 to 5 cm long. The flower heads are 2 to 3 cm in diameter with white ray florets and yellow disc florets. The flower closes up at night and opens up again with daylight. It is edible and the infusion of its leaves and flowers is purifying and diuretic. The daisy blossoms in winter and early spring.