Issue date: 02 Jul, 2007

FLORA Y FAUNA. Jacinto y Ruiseñor común


FLORA Y FAUNA. Jacinto y Ruiseñor común


This new series of stamps devoted to Flora and Fauna, as the previous ones issued in cheque book style of self adhesive stamps, depicts the hyacinth and the nightingale.

The hyacinth is a bulbous spring plant. It has a stem, leaves and flowers compressed inside the bulbs. The Hyacinthus Orientalis, belongs to the family of the liliaceae and is native to Turkey, Lebanon and Syria. It reaches 25/30 cm and has four to six deep green leaves and a dense spike of fragrant flowers that can be white, yellow, violet blue or pinkish. It is much appreciated for its perfume and beauty and is grown in gardens, flower pots and water recipients. Amongst the main species of Hyacinthus Orientalis is the Dutch Hyacinth as 95% of the world production comes from Holland and Belgium, offering a large range of colours. They bloom in mid March whereas the Roman Hyacinth, cultivated in the French and Italian Riviera, flowers earlier and in different shades of white.

The Luscinia megarhynchos, or Nightingale is a bird of the family of the Turdidae much appreciated for its melodious song. The Nightingale's plumage is plain brown with a reddish-brown rump and tail. The throat is whitish and the underparts are grey-brown. Sexes are similar. They measure around 16cm long. They breed in forests and scrub near streams, lakes and rivers. They feed on insects, larvae and fruit and build their nests in the undergrowth amongst dense shrubbery in woods, gardens and orchards. They lay four or five eggs only once a year. It is a migratory bird that arrives from the African continent in spring where it hibernates and leaves again in autumn.