Issue date: 01 Jun, 2007





The two stamps that make up this series are devoted to two very common and well known mushrooms in Spain: the AMANITA MUSCARIA and the TRICHOLOMA EQUESTRE.

The AMANITA MUSCARIA is commonly known as Matamoscas (Fly agaric). The name MUSCARIA is due to the fact that flies and all other insects become paralysed when they lay on it. The cap is very eye catching and goes from red to an orange yellowish colour. It is like a big ball that opens itself up and becomes bigger. It is covered with small white flecks resembling snow flakes which are really the remmants of the universal veil, a cuplike structure around the base of the stem. It can measure between 10 and 25 cm. the gills are a whitish colour as is the stem, which is provided with a ring 15-24 cm long. The base is covered by a volva. It grows in autumn in leafy, coniferous forests and usually in groups. It is a poisonous mushroom although not fatal and its ingestion produces severe neurological and intestine damages that appear soon after their ingestion. They also have hallucinogenic properties. Although it is difficult, they can be mistaken with the Amanita Caesarea. This latter does not have white flecks and the colour of the stem and the gills is yellow but in the AMANITA MUSCARIA the rain can fade away the white flecks or they can also turn yellow with time.

TRICHOLOMA EQUESTRE, also known as “ Mushroom of the Knights” is also depicted in this issue. The cap is yellow darker at the centre and covered with brown or green scales. It is convex shaped becoming gradually flat and measures around 4 to 10cm. The gills and stem are yellow and they can measure up to 10cm in length. It grows in the autumn and beginning of winter in pine tree forests. Throughout history it has been a very sought after and appreciated fungi and it has been described as excellent. However, since 2000 there have been reported some cases of intoxication after eating it and its importation and commercialisation has been forbidden by an order of the Ministry of Health (23rd October 2006), as a precautionary measure since as this order literally says “in recent years several studies have been published that link the consumption of large amounts of this mushroom during several days with cases of Rhabdomyolysis causing the breakdown of muscle fibres resulting in the release of muscle fibre contents into the circulation”. Three deaths have been reported. This prohibition affects the Tricholoma equestre, Tricholoma auratum and Tricholoma flavoriens, considered all three as belonging to the same species.