Issue date: 13 Jan, 2007





In Spain, the Constitution establishes the parliamentary Monarchy as the country’s political system in which the King arbitrates and moderates the functioning of the institutions. In his first speech to Parliament, King Juan Carlos proclaimed his strong proposal to abide and serve the Constitution. In fact it was the King’s decisive intervention which saved the Constitution and democracy on the night of the 23rd of February 1981 when the other Constitutional powers where held back in parliament by a putsch.

From then on, King Juan Carlos made clear his respect and compliance with the Constitution as well as other key aspects of his reigns: the establishment of democracy and the wish to be the King of all Spaniards. These concepts were also put forward in his first speech as King in November 22nd 1975. After a long and prolific transition period, democracy was consolidated and thirty years later, the fundamental contribution of King Juan Carlos I has brought him international prestige and acknowledgement.

King Juan Carlos, since his proclamation as the Monarch has continually stated that it is in the service to the rule of law of a democratic country and the commitment with the consecrated liberties in the Constitution that the Monarchic Institution reaches its full historic meaning. In modern Spain, after more than thirty years governed by a Parliamentary and constitutional Monarchy, the future of this institution, if it continuous to work in this direction, can be secured. The stamps in this Definitive series issue depict a photograph of the King.