Issue date: 16 May, 2007





For the third year running, the Civic Values series is launched with four stamps devoted to very important social issues.

With the theme “Somos diferentes, somos iguales” (We are different we are the same), this 0,30 € stamp is devoted to integration and against racism. This message of solidarity coincides with the agreement of the European Parliament and the European Council declaring 2007 as “ European Year for equal opportunities for all “ aiming at promoting a more solidarity-based society raising public awareness of equality and non-discrimination.

The 0,39 € issue carries the message “Tod@s compañeros.Contra la violencia escolar” (We’re all classmates. Against school violence). Bullying at school has made governments, institutions and educators tackle the problem from a real perspective. Educational programmes and budgetary resources aiming at facing school violence have proved necessary to put a stop to this violent phenomenon in education centres.

Spain is one of the first countries in organ donations, which is the theme this third stamp, with a 0,58 € face value is devoted to. Official figures say that the ratio is 33,8 donors for each million people, making Spain the leader country in organ donation. The chance of healing the ill or saving the life of many people by means of a transplant is an altruistic act in need of social awareness. Meanwhile, thousand of ill people await the arrival of the anonymous donor full of solidarity.

The 0,78 € stamp is devoted to “Igualdad de sexos” (Sex equality). The discrimination women have been suffering throughout history can be eradicated with the “Ley Orgánica para la Igualdad Efectiva de Mujeres y Hombres “ (Bill for the effective equality between men and women) which bans discrimination in different areas: politics, civil life, labour, democracy and economy, aiming at making society more democratic, fair and solidarity- based. The four stamps devoted to Civic Values carry on with the design style of previous years, and champion solidarity and collaboration of society in various aspects.