Issue date: 02 Apr, 2008

ARQUITECTURA 6 sellos: Palacio Longoria y Torrespaña en Madrid; Casa Vicens, Torre Comunicaciones Montjuïc y Torre Agbar en Barcelona; Auditorio Santa Cruz Tenerife


ARQUITECTURA 6 sellos: Palacio Longoria y Torrespaña en Madrid; Casa Vicens, Torre Comunicaciones Montjuïc y Torre Agbar en Barcelona; Auditorio Santa Cruz Tenerife


This year’s Architecture issue depicts the buildings of the Palacio de Longoria and Torrespaña in Madrid: Casa Vicens, Torre de Comunicaciones de Montjuïc and Torre Agbar in Barcelona and the Auditorium of Tenerife in Santa Cruz. The Palacio de Longoria was built in 1903 by architect José Grases Riera following the art nouveau style in one of the few modernist style buildings in Madrid. The vegetation decoration covers all its façade built around two rectangular bodies joined at the corners by a circular tower with no dome.

The Casa Vicens was built by Gaudi on command of Manuel Vicens I Montaner. It is the first important building of this famous modernist architect and was built between 1883 and 1982. The building has different volumes, separated by angles and the decoration is mainly ceramic tiles.

The Torrespaña building, known as the Pirulí, is a communications tower belonging to Retevision. It is the work of architect Emilio Fernández and was built between 1981 and 1982. It has a height of 220m. and over the 120m shaft ther’es a four storey circular volume where the control centre is.

The Torre de Comunicaciones de Montjuïc, is the work of Santiago Calatrava and was built from 1989 to 1992. It is 130m high and resembles a kneeling figure. It was built for Telefónica on occasion of the 1992 Olympic Games.

The Agbar tower, inaugurated in 2005, is a 144m high skyscraper designed by French architect Jean Nouvel .It has a pinnacle shape and is made of concrete covered with a façade of glass. It has a total of 50.693 metres of above ground office space.

The Auditorium of Tenerife is also the work of Calatrava and was built between 1997 and 2003, It has a surface area of 6.471 square metres distributed in two halls, the Symphonic and the Chamber Hall besides other secondary rooms. It is an avant-garde building crowned with a grand dome and a striking cover. De los sellos dedicados al Palacio de Longoria y a la Casa Vicens se realizó una Prueba de Artista con formato de hoja bloque y los sellos en negro.