Issue date: 11 Feb, 2008





Philately joins the fight against women abuse with the issue of this self adhesive stamp aiming at collaborating in the eradication of gender violence and the promotion of 016, the phone number for information and help for abused women.

Despite the measures undertaken to fight gender violence, official information confirms that formal complaints on women abuse have increased in the last years and that abuse on women continues to be exercised. The 016 phone number joins the many media campaigns, awareness plans, protection measures and new laws that have been undertaken, offering information to victims as well as their families, neighbours, friends and anyone who might be in need of it. It is attended by specialised personnel 24 hours a day and leaves no traces of having being used, that is, it doesn’t appear on any invoice or on the phone screen after hanging up. This number, besides assisting in gender violence situations, also gives information on abused women’s rights and unemployment benefits, social and economic assistance, shelter homes and specialised legal counselling. For a smooth communication, these services are available in the four national languages: Spanish, Catalonian, Galllego and Euskera as well as in English and French. Back in 2001 the Spanish Post launched a stamp on the 25th November on occasion of the ONU declaration of this day as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Society’s awareness of the problem of abuse is growing every day and collaboration from all as well as institutional support is needed to put an end to this situation. Society’s call to action features in this stamp with the inscription: “If you know of any situation of abuse, don’t consent to it, call 016”