Issue date: 23 Apr, 2008





This year’s Europa issue, a stamp launched by the member countries of Post Europ (Association of European Public Postal Operators) with a common theme, is devoted to the letter; a communication system that for centuries has been carried out by the public postal administrations.

The dictionary defines the letter as “A written or printed communication directed to a person or organization“. Similar definition has used Correos throughout history to define the task of the Spanish Post implying the secret and inviolability of communications and their delivery to the addressee. It is the most used means of communication by politicians, scientists, writers and men and women throughout history and it has been the only means of communication until the telegraph and later on the telephone appeared. Writers from all times and countries have used letter writing as a literary gender as means of expressing their feelings and emotions such as José Cadalso, Juan Valera, Quevedo, Volatire, Bécquer and Kafka amongst many others have left us their excellent publications in the form of letters. A 19th century text defines the letter as: “a comfort to people of all social classes; the arrival of a letter is always a wonderful piece of news like the visit of a friend or beloved relative” The Europa stamp issued on this occasion is part of a souvenir sheet recreating a romantic composition. The author, J. Carrero, creates a figurative painting with a set design were appear different elements of everyday life such as a mantelpiece, a glass with colourful flowers, letters and cancelled envelopes making up a harmonious set where the letter is the key element with a message beginning: “Dear beloved Inés…” The Europa issue is launched by the 48 public postal operators members of Post Europ. The theme of each year’s issue is chosen by common agreement of the countries that participate in this philatelic project. Every year the best design amongst all the stamps issued is chosen in a contest.