Issue date: 22 Feb, 2008





The International Exhibition Zaragoza 2008 whose main theme is water and sustainable development will take place in Zaragoza from the 14th June to the 14th September. Correos has already issued a stamp depicting the logo and mascot of the Expo Zaragoza 2008, and on this occasion the stamp in this issue depicts the Bridge-Pavillion and Water Tower (Pabellón Puente and Torre del Agua), two architectural compounds which will be left for posterity as landmarks of this International Exhibition.

The Pabellon Puente (Bridge-Pavillion) is the work of Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid and the engineering company Arup. It is a slim building slightly curved resting on the banks of the river Ebro and a central island in its waters. It has an organic shape that criss-crosses and resembles a gladiola or diamond opening and closing like a natural element. The bridge goes from side to side, on mounds descending gently toward the banks. It is one of the most significant buildings of the exhibition and will allow visitors to access three different exhibition areas providing a smooth transition between the city across ramps planted with gardens and the Conference Centre (Palacio de Congresos). Another of the most relevant buildings of the exhibition is the Water Tower (Torre del Agua) work of architect Enrique de Teresa, which will house the exposition “Water for Life”. It is a glass building 76 m. high that looked at from above resembles a drop of water The building has two differentiated areas : base and tower. The base is made up of three floors, two of which are underground and the ground floor above. The base includes the column of the tower, which rises to a height of 70 metres above ground level. The façade comprises a glazed curtain wall and at the entrance there’s a water fountain and a sculpture called “Splash“.