Issue date: 14 Nov, 2008

VIDRIERAS. Real Academia Española


VIDRIERAS. Real Academia Española


The stained glass windows issue is this year devoted to Elocuencia, (Eloquence) from the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy).

Although the Real Academia Española was founded in Madrid in 1713, it wasn’t located in its current building in the neighbourhood of Los Jerónimos until the 1st of April 1894. It is a neoclassic building with a rectangular floor-plan made of materials and resources of the XVIII century inspiration, with a classic façade, a portico with doric columns and staircase. The stained glass window devoted to Elocuencia, besides other three, all with allegoric themes, are set in the assembly hall of the Academy. It was made by artisan Dragant de Burdeos in 1893. All four of them designed in an H shape, cost 15.000 pesetas of the XIX century, and were paid by de Academy and the Ministry of Public Works. The window represents Polimnia, muse of Elocuencia. In the background of the composition features the image of Mercury also considered the God of Eloquence, standing on a pedestal or column protecting Polimnia, whose figure is adorned with flowers and vegetation. In the plaque held by Polimnia, there’s a mention to Brother Luis de Granada, master of eloquence and oratory. This window is the twin of another one devoted to Poesía (Poetry) and beautifully adorned in its outline with a border filled with stars and symbols. Dragant’s workshop in Bordeaux also made the windows of the Palacio de Aguirre in Cartagena. De esta hoja bloque se realizó una Prueba de color .