Issue date: 06 Oct, 2009





The Basque town of Irún, the second largest city in Guipúzcoa after the capital San Sebastián, will host from the 6 to the 12 of October EXFILNA 2009, the National Philatelic Exhibition. This is one of the most important events in Spanish philately and it will take place in the Recinto Ferial de la Costa Vasca (FICOBA) coinciding with the commemoration of the 350 Anniversary of the Treaty of the Pyrenees, a historic event which took place in the Isla de los Faisanes also known as the Isla de la Conferencia , in the river Bidasoa.

The Isla de los Faisanes (Pheasant Island) is a river island located in the river Bidasoa, at the Spanish/French border. Historically it served as a neutral spot for the exchange of bridal princesses between the two countries. These took place from the XVI to mid XVIII century between allied monarchies. In this island were “handed over” for marriage Isabel de Borbón to Philip IV of France on November 9th 1615; Mª Luisa de Orleans to Charles II of France on November 3rd 1679 and Luisa Isabel de Orleans to Luis I on January 9th in 1722. In this no man’s land also took place political conferences of great importance such as those of 1565 and the conferences for the agreement of the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659. The souvenir sheet issued on occasion of this XLVII Exfilna edition depicts an engraving belonging to the Town Hall and deposited in the Municipal Archive of Hondarribia. The artwork bears the title of Lisle de la Conference… and was made by French engraver Adam Perelle in November 1659, when the historic event took place. The souvenir sheet depicts the ephemeral ceremonial house built for the occasion in the middle of the river Bidasoa, where the retinues of the Spanish and French Crowns met to sign marriage settlements or hold negotiations for the Treaty of the Pyrenees.