Issue date: 09 Mar, 2009





The two stamps that make up this Nature series are devoted to the Nature Park of the Cañon del Río Lobos in Segovia and Izki in Alava. Both stamps depict a panorama.

The Nature Park of the Cañon del Río Lobos lies in the provinces of Soria and Burgos. It has a surface area of 9.580 hectares and it is an outstanding bio geographic protected nature park where the Rio Lobos (River of Wolves) has carved its way through the Mesozoic limestone to create the impressive Canyon’s cliffs. It contains, in addition to extensive juniper, Austrian pine woods, Portuguese oaks and Holm oaks whilst in the bush land there is plenty of Common Junipers, bearberrys and spiny brooms. With regards to the fauna, there’s a great variety of animal species such as golden eagles, Egyptian vultures, falcons and buzzards. The mammals include roe deer, wild boars, squirrels, otters, badgers and wild cats. This area was declared Nature Park in 1985 and a Special Protection Area for Birds in 1987.

The Nature Park of Izki in the Cuadrilla de la Montaña Alavesa, in southern Alava, has a vast extension of 9.100 hectares and has one of the best kept oak woods in the world. There is also a significant extension of Downy Oaks, maple trees, European Hollies, and Birch trees. With regards to the fauna, there are boars, roe deer, and ospreys. The Nature Park of Izki, named after the Izki river, is a transition area between the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It was declared Nature Park in March 1998.