Issue date: 08 Nov, 2010

CATEDRALES. Catedral Basílica de Santiago. Bilbao


CATEDRALES. Catedral Basílica de Santiago. Bilbao


Bilbao's Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral Basilica of Santiago after the Apostle Santiago, patron saint of Bilbao, features in this souvenir sheet illustrated with the front of the cathedral and a stamp depicting the tower and facade.

The Cathedral began to be built in the late 14th century inspired in architectural and sculptural concepts of the prevailing Gothic style at the time. The works, as in all other cathedrals, took a long time to be concluded and carried on during the 15th and 16th centuries to the point that some of its constructive elements underwent important repairs in the nineteenth century. Hence there are chapels, walls, towers, doors and porches with Gothic, Renaissance and Neo-gothic elements and details. Specifically, the facade and tower depicted in the stamp were completed around 1891. The doorway, rose window and spire are of Neo-gothic style and replaced the old baroque one, whilst the present tower, also Neo-gothic, was built on the site formerly occupied by a Neo-classical one. The tower measures almost 64 meters high, it is built in three sections and crowned by a spire.

The Cathedral of Bilbao has a beautiful gothic-renaissance 16th century vestry, a chapel crypt, a cloister and fifteen chapels located between the buttresses. The chapels are devoted to the advocations of La Virgen del Pilar , San Antón, Nuestra Señora de Begoña, Santa Lucia, San Diego de Alcalá, La Piedad, El Sagrario, El Rosario, Los Remedios, Santa Marina, Virgen del Carmen , Virgen del Bautismo, San Serafín, Penitencial, and Cristo del Amor.