Issue date: 15 Oct, 2010





Journalist and writer from Tenerife, Leoncio Rodríguez, founded on October 15th 1910 the newspaper La Prensa .Years later, on February 15th 1939 it changed its name to El Día which is the current masthead The newspaper has undergone many changes and even went from publishing two to eight pages a day. In the 60's with the newspaper consolidated, its founder and owner began its expansion project. In 1967 a new building was inaugurated at 69 Avenida de Buenos Aires in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Modern photogravure equipment and teletypes were installed besides seven linotypes and a high speed rotary. In 1974 a further expansion took place with the enlargement of the paper’s working area as well as further improvements in the equipment replacing the old Vomag rotary for the new Marinoni installed at the end of 1974. The current rotary press is the Unima, which prints from 25,000 to 50,000 copies an hour in simple production and computers that allow for desktop publishing.

El Dia focuses on news of Tenerife and the Canary Islands and is part of the communication group with the same name covering different areas of information such as radio and television.

El Día is an independent newspaper which throughout its first century of life has been a timely and direct witness of the evolution and history of the Canary Islands. Its different sections and pages have been witness to the economic, social and cultural development of Islands.