Issue date: 02 Oct, 2010





These three stamps put an end to the Nature Reserves of Spain series which has contributed throughout this year to make known twelve of the existing parks in our country.

The Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes y Lago de San Mauricio is located in the province of Lleida and after reclassification and expansion in 1996, it now covers an area of 14.119 hectares. Water is the main element of the park with streams, waterfalls the characteristic meanders of high mountains and tortuous waters or aigüestortes in Catalonian. With over 200 lakes, is the largest lake area in the Pyrenees. The uneven terrain and different orientation of the valleys allow for a large diversity of plant species such as forests of ash, poplars, beeches, firs and Scotch pines. In the upland areas grow cold-hardy plants. The most representative animal is the chamois or "Isard" and there are also capercaillie, black woodpecker, griffon vulture, golden eagle and osprey. The park has one of the best preserved and most important Romanesque art complexes in Europe: the Boi Valley declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000.

The Parque Nacional del Archipiélago de Cabrera covers a surface area of 10,021 hectares, 8.703 of which are maritime and 1.318 in land. The park includes the islands of Cabrera, Conejera and 15 small islets. The protected coastline stretches along 57 km with sandy beaches, coves and cliffs. In the sea stand vertical walls up to 90 m. high and there are holes and caves going through the islets. The transparency and visibility of the water enables the observation of a large variety of algae and plants, of which seagrass being the most characteristic. Marine wildlife thrives with hundreds of species such as groupers, octopuses, eels, dolphins, sperm whales and loggerhead turtles. There are plenty of hawks, ospreys and different kinds of gulls. Amongst the endemic flora feature the astralagus and the Balearic hypericon. In the Mediterranean- type bush grow the mastic tree, juniper, wild olive and rosemary. This park was created in 1991.

The Parque Natural de Gata is located in the municipalities of Almeria, Carboneras and Níjar. It stretches over the south of the Sierra del Cabo de Gata of volcanic origin and impressive cliffs. The park includes salt farms, beaches and dunes, and a protected coast line 63 km. long. Its fauna includes amphibians, reptiles, mammals and both steppe and wetlands birds. Flora-wise grows the Heart of Palm, the only autochthonous European palm, and many other endemic species.