Issue date: 21 Apr, 2010





On May 1st the Universal Exhibition Shanghai 2010, one of the most important events ever to take place in this Asian country will commence in this city considered to be the economic capital of China,. The event will take place during 6 months and will cover 525 ha in the Pudong district, on the bank of the Huangpu River. This World Exhibition evolves around the theme “Better City, Better Life” representing a central concern of the international community for future policy making, urban strategies and sustainable development in the XXI century.

Shanghai, with nearly 20 million inhabitants is the financial, economic and industrial centre of China and the World Expo will reinforce this status in the international scenario. Shanghai is a typical example of a global phenomenon which is the massive movement of people to the city from the countryside. This rural exodus goes along with environmental, social and economic challenges which need to be confronted urgently. This Exhibition will be an exceptional forum of discussion and exchange of ideas on how to face these challenges.

Spain will be present in Shanghai with a 7.000 m2 pavilion designed by the Miralles-Tagliabue architecture studio. It will hold thematic areas related to Spanish economy, art, culture, history and sport. It contains three exhibition halls which will take visitors through the time and space of the development of the cities in Spain with the following themes “From Nature to the City”, “From the City of Our Parents to the Current City” and "From the City of Our Parents to the City of Our Children." The aim is to transmit a modern image of Spain and its cities and promote our country in China. There will also be a pavilion of Madrid which will be a replica of the Casa de Bambú, a singular building of the Madrid district of Carabanchel and the cities of Barcelona and Bilbao will also be present in the Expo 2010 displaying innovative projects of restoration and conservation of historic city centres, old industrial areas and the modernisation of old urban planning.

The souvenir sheet depicts characteristic buildings and monuments of the Spanish cities represented in Shanghai 2010, besides a picture of the pavilions of Spain and Madrid.