Issue date: 20 Jan, 2010

FAUNA. Artimelia latreillei y Zygaena rhadamanthus


FAUNA. Artimelia latreillei y Zygaena rhadamanthus


This year’s Fauna issue is made up of two stamps devoted to two butterflies: the Artimelia latreillei and the Zygaena rhadamanthus.

The Artimelia latreillei, from the order of the lepidopetrans, belongs to the family of the Arciidae and the genus ocnogyna. This butterfly is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and its colonies, although scattered over Spain and Portugal, are geographically isolated in mountainous areas (up to 1.500-1.800 high) as well as lower regions and the coastline. The males are very active during the day, even during the hottest hours in the morning and with their low, fast and erratic flight chase the females which remain still on the ground or on low branches. They are very active and polyphagous butterflies feeding in May and June from plants and petals from different species. Its hibernating chrysalis is of a reddish colour and barrel shaped and remains on the ground protected by a lightweight silky cocoon. The image is based on a photograph by Enrique Aguilar Gil depicting a female species belonging to the collection of entomologist Tomás Latasa.

The Zygaena rhadamanthus is a butterfly of the order of the lepidopterans, from the family of the Zygaenidae and the genus Zygaena. It lives in dry, sunny areas with low vegetation between south Portugal, Spain (except the northwest) and the south of France. Flight occurs from May to July, covering short distances between flowers in straight lines. Their wings go from a light grey to a dark greenish blue colour, and their rear wings are usually blue. Larvae hibernate by their host plant where they make their cocoon of a white colour. The Zygaena is a polymorphic species. Both the image featuring in the stamp and the butterfly belong to the photographer and entomologist above mentioned.