Issue date: 03 Jan, 2011





The stamp reproduces a painting by artist J. Carrero depicting a Spanish beach in the background and a horse raising his front paws. On the right hand side there’s a picture frame suspended on air on which rests a bird, while in the foreground is a young brown haired woman wearing a beach wrap.

These images are icons of tourism and representative of Spain. In fact, all these elements depicted here appear regularly in press advertising and television slogans as characteristic of our tourism. Spain has become one of the most sought after tourist destinations and has been using these elements regularly. The sunny beaches, art, represented in this stamp by means of the frame suspended on air, nature, natural spaces and our rich diversity of wildlife here represented by a bird, the skill and charm of the Spanish horses, the friendliness and hospitality of its people have contributed to attract tourism from around the world.

The guarantee of sunny weather in our many and exceptional beaches, the charm of the Spanish horse, star of countless performances all over Spain, the colour of our diverse wildlife, the monumental and artistic heritage of the many museums towns and cities, the variety of textile handicraft and fashion represented by the beach wrap worn by the young woman, makes our country an appealing and charming tourist destination to all those visiting us.

Artist J. Carrero, brings together all these iconographic elements in the painting’s composition, presenting an accurate description and visual recreation of the icons that best represent and define Spain as the ideal tourist destination.